A "plan" for 2012


2012 Goals

Find a full-time job. A real one, with a salary, in an urban area, and most importantly, in my field.

Graduate with my Master's in Heritage Preservation (on track for May).

Requisite fitness goal: will exercise on a more regular basis, and cross train rather than just get on a cardio machine and wait out forty minutes.

Continue to foster and build my quilting skills, and maintain my creative time with fabric.

Finish my 365 project, I AM 365, on July 31, 2012. I'm five months' in now.

Pay off my other credit card, finally, once and for all, be finished with consumer debt. Hope, hope, hopefully.

Save money. At least, spend less. (Getting more cliche as I go, right?)

Move. This is apparently on my list every year. I've moved in 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011. And I will be again in 2012. This year though, I have no idea where. Wherever they hire me. Fortunately my field tends to revolve around urban areas.

Long-arm quilt, for myself, the Single Girl quilt that I began the day after my 24th birthday last year. I decided I'm going to finish it by my 25th birthday, fitting. It's my first real quilt for myself, a gift to my twenty-five years.

Pray; support causes I believe in; and give when I can, what I can. [Biggies: My parents' mission with Greater Europe Missions, LiNK (Liberty in North Korea), public radio and WABE]

Not freak out when I think of all the factors that can change the plans I've outlined. I'm kind of at a crossroads here, finally finishing school for good, seeking a real and meaningful job, in a relationship that has last nearly four years, trying to find where I will fit into this world in 2012.